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Here's why you need to do this . . .

We were shocked to receive the phone call after our son’s cardiac screening at OPRFHS telling us that there was evidence on the EKG of a potentially life-threatening heart arrhythmia. He had never experienced any symptoms and had been active in athletics throughout his life. He had been active in cross country running, rock climbing, water sports and downhill skiing without ever experiencing a single symptom.


We found out that he had a condition known as Wolf Parkinson’s White which could cause his heart to go into a life-threatening arrhythmia with no warning. Luckily, his condition was treatable through surgery and was able to be permanently resolved. We can’t thank YH4L enough for offering the free routine screening through the high school—and because EKG’s are not part of the routine pediatric screening regimen in the U.S., we never would have known of his condition. YH4L saved our son from the threat of this potentially fatal condition and we are truly grateful!

                                                                                                                 -  Marisa G.

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